

Information about Asahikawa after the earthquake on Sep. 6th

(As of September 13, 2018)

The earthquake affected Asahikawa very little because the epicenter is far from Asahikawa.
People in Asahikawa don’t have major problems in their daily life.

However, Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. is asking the people in Hokkaido for saving electricity consumption by 20% compared to usual. We would like to ask for your kind understanding.


The followings are the situations in Asahikawa:

  1. Water supply has no problems.
  2. Electricity supply has no problems. Many companies and shops are trying to save electricity.
  3. Restaurants in the city are open as usual.
  4. The sightseeing spots in the city including “Asahiyama Zoo” are open as usual.
  5. Transportation system including JR and buses in the city has no problems.
  6. Bus services to Asahidake, Sounkyo and Sapporo are provided as usual.
  7. JR train services such as between Asahikawa and Sapporo, Wakkanai, Abashiri, Biei, Furano are provided as of Sep. 13, 2018. Some of the trains are cancelled because of saving electricity.
    Please check the following website for more details:
  8. Asahikawa Airport is open as usual.


If you have any questions, please contact Asahikawa Tourism and Local Products Information Center. Thank you.
Phone: 0166-26-6665
e-mail: icenter@atca.jp

(Here is a PDF fili for this sentence)

